Malloch Trophy leaps back to life

Full version of a story which first appeared in The Herald on 10 January 2008 ONE of Scotland’s most iconic angling prizes, the Malloch Challenge Trophy for the heaviest salmon caught by fly-fishing, is being reinstated this year with the aim of helping to promote fish conservation. The solid silver leaping fish, valued at £15,000,…

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Afloat with the Tagathon

Dateline: Loch Sunart, West Lochaber, Saturday November 15, 2009: It was an opportunity to see at first hand the dedication and resourcefulness of a Scottish angling pressure group and it was clear from the flotilla of boats assembling in the car park of the campsite at Resipole, on Loch Sunart that both qualities were evident…

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Mixed stock fisheries group underway

The Scottish Government’s penchant for creating multi-disciplinary committees as an aid to fending off criticism of policy decisions – or the lack of them – was in evidence again when it announced in mid-November, the creation of an independent group charged with producing a plan “to safeguard the long-term future of salmon fishing.” Headed up…

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Chapter 2 – The Ghillie Herself

The birth of The Ghillie Herself. Chapter Two in a series of off-beat personal reminiscences in which lifelong angler Gordon Mack explores the strange alchemy surrounding one of the UK’s largest participant sports – one to which he has been addicted for more than half a century.

They explore the sights, sounds, situations and engaging personalities which have shaped his hobby, from his earliest days in the glens of Scotland tutored by equally enthusiastic parents, to excursions with rod and line around the world. What’s more they’re all true – well they’re recounted by a journalist and an angler.

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Chapter 1 – A Small Extraction

Why you should never take your dentist fishing. Chapter One in a series of off-beat personal reminiscences in which lifelong angler Gordon Mack explores the strange alchemy surrounding one of the UK’s largest participant sports – one to which he has been addicted for more than half a century.

They explore the sights, sounds, situations and engaging personalities which have shaped his hobby, from his earliest days in the glens of Scotland tutored by equally enthusiastic parents, to excursions with rod and line around the world. What’s more they’re all true – well they’re recounted by a journalist and an angler.

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Wanted: fly Scottish manager

(This story first appeared in The Herald in September 2008) SCOTTISH  international team manager wanted. Must be a previously-capped player with in-depth technical skills and endless enthusiasm. Naturally gifted sports psychologist with a talent for team building and motivation. Closing date for applications: October 24. Think you fit the bill? If you happen to be…

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