Death of Scotland’s ‘Salmon king’

ONE OF Scotland’s best-known ghillies has died.  Colin Leslie, who for more than 50 years was responsible for the Cargill beat of the Tay, was reknowned as “Scotland’s Salmon King”.  During his lengthy service, his angling guests included American millionaire Nelson D. Rockefeller,  New Zealand’s King of the Maoris, the Japanese ambassador, and Field Marshall…

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Pollack politics on the Mull

IT WAS something of a catch for Scottish sea angling campaigners.   The lads from the Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network (SSACN) persuaded environment and rural affairs minister Richard Lochhead to join them yesterday for a spot of fishing in Luce Bay to mark the launch of the Government’s special report into the economics of sea…

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Sweet and sour results for Sharkatag

THE ORGANISERS of Sharkatag, the biggest single sea angling conservation exercise mounted in the UK, have just published their report on the event.  It makes interesting reading. The three-day tagging marathon held from 12-14 June in the western Solway area of south-west Scotland, was in itself an undoubted success, attracting more than 200 anglers from…

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