Clyde classroom project hits 10,000 pupil mark

CLYDE in the Classroom, the environmental and fishery science education programme for children run by the Clyde River Foundation and now in its 10th year, has broken through the 10,000 total of pupil participants. The new record figure was reached this month when more than 1400 youngsters attended a series of events at Glasgow Science…

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Tope the target for this year’s Sharkatag weekend

TOPE will be the main target for the Scotland’s second Sharkatag weekend, scheduled for this June. The event, which last summer attracted more than 200 volunteer participants and generated more than £40,000 for the local economy in the Solway area of south-west Scotland, was recognised as the biggest sea angling conservation exercise ever mounted in…

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Scotland’s first shark project officer takes up post

SCOTLAND’S first shark project officer is now at work.   James Thorburn, a marine biologist who studied at Stirling and Heriot-Watt universities, has a strong track record of involvement in Scottish research projects. His appointment, as part of a £52,000 support package from Scottish Natural Heritage and the Argyll and Islands LEADER programme, comes at…

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As close to fishing porn as TV might get

I HAVE nothing against Robson Green personally. As an actor he has turned in some compelling performances in the likes of Casualty, Soldier, Soldier and Wire in the Blood. He certainly generates a quickening of pulses among the ladies apparently, though clearly the lad from Dudley on Tyneside maybe falls short of setting up any…

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River Dee ‘in good spirits’ for another bumper year

ACTOR and comedian Billy Connolly today formally opened the Aberdeenshire Dee’s salmon season where fishery administrators are optimistic that rod catches will maintain 2009’s record-breaking results. Connolly, who began his interest in fishing as a youngster on the canal in Glasgow, and now owns Candacraig House in Strathdon, toasted the river with a tipple of…

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