On sabbatical

Between The Lines is on an extended sabbatical in order to write a book or two.  Fiction  – and quite different from Not Exactly Fishing.  Why change from here, the cynics among you may ask?  The answer is simple:  I like a challenge and the process of writing publishable fiction is certainly that, as I…

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Under-water beach-casting . . .

SIX weeks in Brazil for anyone with an interest in fishing, seems like too good a chance to miss. The opportunities, like the country itself, stretch far and wide from striped peacock bass and giant catfish in many of the rivers of Amazonia to marlin, tuna, sword and sailfish in the Atlantic coastal waters to…

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Opinion: Why it’s time for a sea change in politics

SSACN, the Scottish sea angling conservation pressure group, is running a series of thought-provoking articles this month on many aspects of the sport.  The organisation is a touch-stone for all the key elements affecting marine conservation around our shores and plays an important part in helping to guide official policy in many areas. It has…

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Spurdog tagging weekend attracts 100 anglers

MORE than 100 anglers fishing from boat, shore and kayaks took part in the third annual two-day Spurdog Tagathon event in the Argyll area of Scotland earlier this month. The organisers, Scottish Sea Anglers Conservation Network (SSACN) say the number of fish tagged was down a little this year;  there were many more smaller fish…

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Is it too late for our oceans? asks Attenborough

TUNE in tonight to BBC-2 where David Attenborough takes a long, hard look at the state of the planet’s oceans following one of the most ambitious scientific studies of our time and asks the question: Is it too late to save the diversity of our seas? Meanwhile, Scotland’s environment minister, Richard Lochhead, has signalled a…

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