Loch Lomond charges: clarification

APOLOGIES for misleading readers over my last post regarding the proposed introduction of boating charges on Loch Lomond this year.  Only the £30 boat registration charge is voluntary; the launching charges at the Duncan Mills and Milarrochy slipways are compulsory and take effect from April 1. Loch Lomond game anglers now face daily fees of…

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About-turn on Loch Lomond boat charges

FEARS of compulsory launching and boat registration charges on Loch Lomond next year appear to have receded, if not quite vanished entirely beneath the waves, following the recent board meeting of the national park’s governing body. A swift change of tactics by the board of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs national park authority (NPA) brought…

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NASF chairman attacks SNP salmon policy

(This story was first published in The Herald, 15 August 2008) THE Scottish government has been accused of persisting with “misguided” policies towards the preservation of wild salmon stocks according to one of the world’s most respected conservationists. Orri Vigfússon, chairman of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund, claims the SNP administration “seems determined to pursue…

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