2010 a bumper year for Scots salmon anglers

SALMON anglers in Scotland had a bumper year in 2010 according to provisional figures released today. Rod catches of salmon are expected to be well over 100,000 – the highest since consistent records began nearly 60 years ago. More than two-thirds were released back into the water. But the record-breaking total – and the prospects…

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Salmon farmers ‘bullied Scottish Government into u-turn’

“BULLYING TACTICS” by salmon farmers forced the Scottish Government into a policy u-turn on publishing the results of audits into fish farm escapes and disease infestation, one of the UK’s oldest conservation charities claims today. Threatened with possible legal action by the Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation (SSPO) if the results of the inspection reports were…

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Salmon on the Sunday menus

SALMON, wild and farmed, crept on to the menus two of the Sunday papers this week. The Sunday Herald’s environment editor Rob Edwards reported on an alleged pesticide incident in which it was said that thousands of farmed salmon had been killed by an accidental overdose on a Shetland site. The story claims environmental protection…

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