Afloat with the Tagathon

Dateline: Loch Sunart, West Lochaber, Saturday November 15, 2009: It was an opportunity to see at first hand the dedication and resourcefulness of a Scottish angling pressure group and it was clear from the flotilla of boats assembling in the car park of the campsite at Resipole, on Loch Sunart that both qualities were evident…

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Women in Angling: Contacts

Ladies websites Fishing for Everyone Fly Females  Lesley Crawford, one of the few UK female guides and casting instructors as well as author of several books on trout fishing. Ladies-only Fly-fishing Clubs Invicta Angling Club. Oldest in Scotland, established 1966. Secretary, Carolyn Shafto 01360 440077 St. Serfs Angling Club. Established 1986. Secretary, Bunty Webster 01382…

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