Tweed salmon genealogy table

THE TWEED Commission’s news website carries an interesting genealogy table for its spring salmon runs.  This shows the origins of fish dating back to 1999 and reveals that most of the springers are five years old, having spent a year in gravel as eggs, two more years in the river and two at sea.  The…

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Riparian owners hold the key for Lomond

In My Opinion The ugly row over management of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association does the sport no favours.  The arguments are now personal and the chances of reconciliation without some change of personnel and structure seem unlikely. LLAIA has a celebrated history and remains one of the largest “clubs” in the country despite…

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Speak up for the future of Clyde angling

FOR THOSE  of you who value the future of the Clyde and its once-famed angling estuary, there are a couple of dates this month to bear in mind. The first is on the May 19 in Lochgilphead and the second two days later in Campbeltown, both great locations, if only for a day out. But…

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