What now for Loch Lomond angling?
The emergency meeting of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association last week, delivered a victory for the existing committee but no mandate for the status quo. So what next?
Continue ReadingFishing for the truth about angling in Scotland
The emergency meeting of the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association last week, delivered a victory for the existing committee but no mandate for the status quo. So what next?
Continue ReadingThe god of angling works in mysterious ways, as Gordon Mack learns from long and bitter experience.
Continue ReadingSave The Doon salmon campaigners unite and petition gathers strength
Continue ReadingScottish Power issued the following statement to Between The Lines today following a request for an explanation about why it was necessary to change river abstraction levels. In order to meet the forthcoming requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive, Scottish Power have been working on proposals in conjunction with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency…
Continue ReadingANGLERS IN Scotland have launched the country’s first comprehensive shark tagging programme in an effort to protect the many species of fish which are at risk of being wiped out in local waters. The move by grassroots conservationists seizes the initiative and exposes Government reticence to take immediate direct action, despite signing up last month…
Continue ReadingScotland were pushed into third position behind Wales and England in the spring home international fly-fishing competition at Chew on Friday. The Scots, led by Jock Kettles, equalled the Welsh for numbers of fish – 44 – but lost out at the weigh-in. Kettles with nine fish for 16.1lb was fourth in the overall individual…
Continue ReadingStirling Council backs down over its insistence that anglers release all salmon caught on its waters during May and June
Continue ReadingLoch Lomond’s game fishing administrators survived a vote on their future by just six votes at an emergency meeting in Glasgow.
Continue ReadingAyrshire’s River Doon is “finished as a salmon fishery” if Scottish Power gets its way, say campaigners.
Continue ReadingTHE Scottish Government is to conduct a comprehensive review into how the emergency services handle water rescues.
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