EVER FISHED Ayrshire’s River Doon? If the answer is, yes, it might be worthwhile hanging on to those memories. Because according to campaigners, the river is set to become a shadow of its former self if Scottish Power gets its way.

The “Save the River Doon” team say the electricity supplier plans to divert 37% of the river’s water into the neighbouring Kirkudbrightshire Dee in an effort to boost hydro generation, and hence hike its income.
They say: “The reduction of flow to 28 million gallons of water per day would have a drastic effect upon the salmon stock of the river and also of other important species such as the endangered freshwater pearl mussel. This action would effectively finish the Doon as a salmon river of any consequence.”
The campaigners have launched a website and online petition which has already attracted more than 110 signatures. You can add yours here.