Salmon on the Sunday menus

SALMON, wild and farmed, crept on to the menus two of the Sunday papers this week. The Sunday Herald’s environment editor Rob Edwards reported on an alleged pesticide incident in which it was said that thousands of farmed salmon had been killed by an accidental overdose on a Shetland site. The story claims environmental protection…

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River Oykel sets the salmon pace for July

FURTHER evidence of healthy grilse and salmon runs emerges from Sutherland where the Oykel produced a record-breaking return for July with a staggering 730 fish.  In a month of fluctuating spates producing near-perfect conditions, 12 rods accounted for 286 fish between July 12 and 17 alone. Richard Donkin’s entertaining blog has more details.  Of course…

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Tay catchment grilse runs show promise

THERE WERE encouraging signs from the Tay system last week of greatly improved salmon runs.  The recorded catch total of 211 was nearly treble the previous week.  Water levels dropped back steadily and the lower river produced more than half of the total catch. Almondmouth and Coupar Grange topped the returns with 44 and 31…

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New Clyde website starts to reel them in

THE River Clyde, one of the most famous rivers in the world, is a magnet for anglers, particularly its mid and upper reaches.  Its reputation as a salmon fishery is also recovering.  So a single website catering for the diverse needs of thousands of fishermen who take to its banks each year, is long overdue.

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2009: a ‘moderately poor year’ for our salmon

IF THERE is a single publication which presents a clear and balanced view of the health and welfare of Scotland’s migratory game fish, it is the Association of Salmon Fishery Boards’ (ASFB) annual review. Launched last year in a new format, this report should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in the future of salmon…

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