GROWING confidence about the emergence of a new force in the drive for a more sustainable approach to sea fishing around Scotland was evident at the first symposium organised by COAST, the Arran-based marine pressure group.
Some 40 international delegates from all fields of marine policy and science took part in the weekend event which was jointly organised by with the West of England University.
Held at Arran Outdoor Centre overlooking the Lamlash Bay ‘No Take Zone’, the symposium focused on knowledge sharing and the spread of awareness for better marine management of Scotland’s seas.
Delegates included Holyrood and Westminser MPs, representatives of Marine Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, and the National Trust as well as eminent scientists such Professor Callum Roberts of York University, co-author of the recent damning report on commercial over-fishing in the Clyde estuary.
COAST (the Community of Arran Seabed Trust) says new inter-organisational links were forged at the event and community experiences of marine conservation were exchanged as a “reference bank” for future action.
Read a full report of the presentations here.