Here and now . . .

Angling in Scotland stands patiently on the bankside of a new era.  Whether you are a solitary stalker of pike on the Forth and Clyde canal, a lone Tentsmuir beachcaster, or the fortunate owner of a prime Spey beat, the dawn seems as far off as ever.

There remains an air of co-operation and harmony among the sport’s various disciplines. But many concerns and differences remain.

Governments, regardless of hue, are long on rhetoric and short on cash when it comes to promoting angling despite its deep economic roots locally and nationally.   Anglers’ understanding of the environment and our role in conservation and stock management, is under-acknowledged and under-used.  Too many fish species, whether saltwater, freshwater or migratory, are under extreme threat.

Anyone who has ever picked up a fishing rod or who might, a year or two hence, perhaps want to take one of their children or grand-children fishing for the day, deserves to know and to understand the changing face of Scottish angling.  You will not find much in the mainstream media.  Despite its status as a top recreational activity, most sports’ editors rarely offer angling more than a few paragraphs once a week or less frequently; news agendas seldom look for topics beyond commercial fishing, salmon conservation or sales of expensive beats.

The Aim

What Between The Lines has always tried to achieve, is to offer insights into what’s happening in Scottish angling.  This means explaining what is often not understood, what is accidentally or deliberately concealed, and what is frequently not reported because the media at large simply doesn’t have the time or space (i.e. the money) and actually doesn’t really care very much.

Between The Lines does not have a specific political agenda.  Views expressed are mine unless quoted otherwise.

All of this sounds a bit serious and worthy. And of course, it would be of little value if the blog did not also entertain.  So, alongside regular entries,  I draw on experiences old and new in Not Exactly Fishing, a journal of some bits of my fishy life – at least those I can remember . . . and am prepared to divulge.

Some Principles

  • Objectivity is a myth; reporting is mine and subject to my judgements on content, angle and style.
  • I do not recycle unchecked material; neither do I subscribe to social media
  • Third party statements wherever possible are verified
  • Where factual errors occur these will be corrected as quickly as possible
  • Comments are welcome;  those which are abusive, obscene, defamatory, racially offensive, unlawful or threatening are not.

And Finally . . .

Link to this blog with my blessing. Plagiarise content at your peril.