MY NAME is Gordon Mack and for more than 60 years I have enjoyed angling in all its many forms, thanks initially to parents who were enthusiastic and knowledgeable fly-fishers.
My work as a journalist afforded me wonderful opportunities to travel widely, often with rod at hand, and to fish not only in many corners of Britain and Ireland, but in the wilds of Canada, in the US, Finland, France the Far East, the Caribbean and South America. Rarely, even on the dullest, most barren of outings, has this sport and those who enjoy it, failed to enrich my life.
In 2007 after nearly four decades in newspapers, I took early retirement. For the last 27 of those years I worked mainly on the editorial staff of The Herald in Glasgow, UK, latterly as digital media editor responsible for its internet content and operations. Until 2009 I contributed to both it, and its sister title the Sunday Herald, as angling correspondent. I am a member of the Wild Trout Trust and Stanley Fly-Dressers’ Club.